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Approved Partner Program


Betaflight is an open source firmware project, and runs on third party electronics hardware. This means that the Betaflight firmware development team does not have control over the hardware designs or specifications. However the performance of the firmware is related to the hardware on which it runs. Thus for the sake of the FPV community, this program aims to minimize issues that users have, by offering recommendations and guidance to manufacturers direct from the development team. Hardware manufacturers can now benefit from active engagement with the Betaflight development team - giving them access to their skills, experience and advice - to produce better hardware and more successful designs.

For version 4.3 a team of Betaflight developers started a 'Hardware Specification' program discussing a recommended direction for current and future hardware design and development. The document 'Manufacturer Design Guidelines' is available here, and represents the first time that recommendations are officially made directly from the Betaflight developers to manufacturers. We encourage manufacturers to read this document and offer feedback.

Betaflight 4.4 - 'A New Relationship'

Since releasing the Manufacturer Guidelines we have opened new communication channels with selected manufacturers within the application/website Discord. The goal was to discuss issues and engage with the companies, as well as test their hardware in order to verify the quality and performance. As part of the incentive to encourage engagement, we are offering a 'Betaflight Partnership' official certification to manufacturers. They can use this certification to indicate to the userbase that they are supported by Betaflight and our development program. This will be valuable promotion for them to increase purchasing confidence from customers.

Compliance And Project Support

At Betaflight we have a high quality coding team who donate their time and skills free of charge. It is important to retain them in order to progress and maintain the project, and that the work should not demand financial costs in hardware 'as well' as costs in time and effort. Therefore we ask that manufacturers donate hardware necessary in order to support the project. This partnership program is designed to create a 'win-win' scenario for developers and manufacturers. The Betaflight team can help manufacturers make better products and officially recommend them to the userbase, and manufacturers can support the developers with the necessary hardware. The userbase will then benefit from great hardware, and the future of the project will be secure.

Betaflight Partner

The 'Betaflight partner' manufacturers for release 4.4 are

Aikon Electronics






Skystars RC


Zeez RC


We thank them for their engagement with the program, and their work creating quality hardware for running Betaflight. We will promote these brands as part of the 4.4 release to our userbase. If other manufacturers would like to join this program please email